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If the user saves the XML document to the Word XML document schema format, both the embedded elements and the text formatting will be saved with the XML document. To view the finished version of the trip report document template, use Word to open the TripReportTemplate.dot file (include in...
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Chapter 1 from ourreportsummarizing the lessons we learned on the Great American Adaptation Road Trip. We partnered with theGeorgetown University Climate Centerto get this to you. Stay tuned for Chapter 2. Take-home lesson #1: Many drivers motivate communities to pursue initiatives that enhance res...
Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Lynne A. Price Advisor , Jul 12, 2009 Copy link to clipboard Shelley, You wrote, "I can WRAP a word in the element if I wish, which I expected would produce a parsing error since the element should be ...
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{formatInstructions}/mlb/t4nlbcpukdkgzojir4yd","title":"Rays' trip to Dominican Republic exceeds expectations"},"getHeaderFromForgePath({\"contentSource\":\"MLB\",\"headerPath\":\"/_navs/header/lad/global-nav\",\"paletteKey\":\"t119-base-palette\",\"propertiesKey\":\"t119-global...
Airports in Mexico Mexico City Airport The airport is situated six miles (10km) east of Mexico City. Read more Cancun International The airport is situated eight miles (13km) from downtown Cancun and 12 miles (20km) from the Hotel zone. Read more Guadalajara Airport The airport is ...