Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is Ireland’s leading university, ranked No. 1 in Ireland and 87th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2025). Founded in 1592, the University is steeped in history with a reputation for excellence in education, research and innovation. ...
Find out more about MBA and master's programs from Trinity Business School - Trinity College Dublin
Why Trinity College Dublin MBA? 在都柏林念TCD MBA, 優勢數不完 1. Trinity College Dunlin成立於1592年,是愛爾蘭歷史最悠久的大學 2. 一年課程, 機會成本低 3. 小班教學, 個人化課程以及專屬導師指引 4. 愛爾蘭第一的MBA,加上愛爾蘭身為上千家跨國企業的歐洲總部之優勢, 每年都有各行各業蜂擁而至, 招...
Learn more about Dementia 12 months Postgraduate Program By Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information
Trinity College Dublin The College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin 拉丁语: Collegium Sacrosanctae et Individuae Trinitatis Reginae Elizabethae juxta Dublin 建立于: 1592 by Elizabeth I Provost: John Hegarty 教职员工: 828 工作人员: 2,676 学生: 15,492 (2007) ...
Learn more about Applied Social Data Science 12 months Postgraduate Program By Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information