Trinity welcomes students from all over the world. There are two different pathways for applications and fees in Ireland - applicants from Ireland/EU/ EEA and non-EU applicants. Click here to find the right pathway for you: Find out more...
Students have unlimited access to this section, whose entrance fees range from 11 to 14 € for adults. Have copies of all books published in the UK and Ireland The Trinity College library has a copy of all books published in the UK and Ireland. The library, which was founded in 1801, ...
The Trinity College Dublin is the only constituent college associated with the University of Dublin. The school was established in 1592 and is considered a parent school to the University of Dublin. The school models itself after many distinguished schools such as Cambridge and Oxford. The Trinity ...
The first Provost of the College was the Archbishop of Dublin, Adam Loftus (after whose former college at Cambridge the institution was named), and he was provided with two initial Fellows, James Hamilton and James Fullerton. Two years after foundation, a few Fellows and students began to ...