it’s more complicated than all that, but we’ll leave it there. In this definition, what is a “person?” That’s a hard question. Two main views are common today; the classical model and the social model. The Church has traditionally held to the classical view. However, if you...
The matter was referred to the highest authority; at that time, General von der Goltz was Military Governor of Belgium, but it was of no avail, & Hanson was shot at midday, & is buried by the Church at Exaerde [Belgium]." (FWR) "Whilst being marched along in the dark and in a ...
The booklet was titled “A second opinion after‘The Church and Human Sexuality” (The ELCA’s ‘study’ on sexuality). The actual essay inside was titled The Bible and Sexual Boundaries. It was by Professor Craig R. Koester of Luther Seminary, St. Paul. Did you see the pottage for ...