I’ve spent a lot of time reading about the doctrine of the Trinity; probably more than most pastors. That, and Christology, are my own hobby horses. Some people find joy in making complicated end-times charts. Others find fulfillment in being a Baptist fundamentalist. Still other Christians...
the say since the passage says “Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to His temple;...” and the messenger is John the Baptist then this shows that Jesus is God. Little do these trinitarians know these verses are not interpreted in a literal sense rather it is an expression...
圣约翰浸信会外的信息板, 彭特雷顿酒店(Information board outside St John the Baptist, Ton Pentre) B区外的信息板1382 大街(Information Board off the B1382 Main Street) B区外的信息板1382 大街(Information Board off the B1382 Main Street) 贝德韦尔蒂公园的信息板, 特雷德加(Information board in Bed...
Wilfrid Laurier University Wilkes University Willamette University William Paterson University Williams Baptist College Williams College Williston State College Winona State University Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wright State University Yale University Yeshiva University York University 相关...
Wilkes University Willamette University William Paterson University Williams Baptist College Williams College Williston State College Winona State University Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wright State University Yale University Yeshiva University York University...