The trinidad+tobago (TTFF) film festival seeks to highlight excellence in filmmaking through the exhibition of films made in the Caribbean region (including Latin American countries in the Caribbean Basin), by Caribbean people of the Diaspora, and by international filmmakers whose films are relevant ...
(Trinidad and Tobago) Limited Statement of management responsibilities The Financial Institutions Act, 2008 (FIA 2008) requires management to prepare financial statements for each financial period which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the ...
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago charges a 15 percent value-added tax (VAT) to goods and services to be paid to the Inland Revenue Division of the Ministry of Finance. Tip Save costs and download the relevant forms from the Ministry of Legal Affairs website or from the Government of T...
Trinidad and Tobago - Multicultural, Caribbean, Islands: The original inhabitants of Trinidad migrated from the Orinoco River delta region of northeastern South America and probably spoke an Arawakan language. It seems likely that by the time the Spanish
Trinidad and Tobago - Oil, Gas, Tourism: Commercial petroleum drilling began in the early 20th century on Trinidad, and oil production subsequently expanded to offshore exploration as well. Large natural gas reserves off the coasts of Trinidad and Tobago