Tobago- island in West Indies Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: Trinidad y Tobago Trinidad and Tobago →Trinidad y Tobago
Trinidad News and Newspapers: for Trinidad news Trinidad news stories sports business grassroots views Carnival and opinion in Trinidad and Tobago.
Trinidad and Tobago refers to a twin-island state located off the northeast coast of South America. It comprises the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, with Trinidad covering an area of 5130 km2 and Tobago covering approximately 300 km2. The history of Trinidad and Tobago is characterized by a mi...
IERE | ART EXHIBIT In celebration of Pride month, PRIDE TT is hosting its first ever Art Exhibition "IERE" [...] The Future is Bright with Safiya HOYTE Safiya Hoyte is a 20-year-old semi-abstract artist based in Trinidad & Tobago. She primarily works [...] ...
San Fernando, city and port of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, southeastern West Indies. It lies at the western end of the Central Range of hills, on the flat, shallow coast of the Gulf of Paria, about 35 miles (55 km) south of Port of Spain. San Fernando
Trinidad) National MuseumArt Gallery (PortofSpain
Trinidad and Tobago The foundations of modern Trinidad were laid in 1777 when a moribund Spanish empire, unable to defend itself against the predations of the British in the Caribbean, moved to settle Trinidad (the gateway to South America) which had been a colonial backwater for three hundred...
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO ttff reserves the right to determine the eligibility of the submissions to be screened at the festival, appropriate time slots and to use excerpts of the films for publicity purposes. All films submitted must have applicable clearances and the ttff will not be held liable. ...
Trinidad and Tobago Government Portal The National Museum and Art Gallery Trinidad and Tobago Government PortalMuseum, The NationalGallery, Art
Miquel looks for hope and magic even in the darkest places. His acclaimed films “Songs of Redemption” (Jamaica) and “Art connect” (Trinidad and Tobago) got more than 25 international awards. With ten Caribbean films in ten years, he currently works as creative director and photographer at...