PLANT TRIMMING SHEAR CLEANER AND SHARPENERThe invention is a convenient and portable device for cleaning and sharpening cutting tools for gardening such as pruners, clippers, snips, or shears when these have become fouled from working on plants which exude gummy residue or sticky sap when cut. ...
Northern blots containing poly(A+) RNA from various human tissues were purchased fromCLONTECH Laboratories. The blots were prehybridized, hybridized, and washed as described (44) using a 900-bpHindIII–PstI restriction fragment from the mannosidase homolog coding region as a radiolabeled probe. The...
Ernst, H. A. et al. Structure of the Sulfolobus solfataricus α-glucosidase: implications for domain conservation and substrate recognition in GH31. J Mol Biol 358, 1106–24 (2006). 33. Tagami, T. et al. Molecular basis for the recognition of long-chain substrates by plant α-glucosidase...
The invention is a convenient and portable device for cleaning and sharpening cutting tools for gardening such as pruners, clippers, snips, or shears when these have become fouled from working on plants which exude gummy residue or sticky sap when cut. The device includes a reservoir for ...
PLANT TRIMMING SHEAR CLEANER AND SHARPENERA convenient and portable device for cleaning and\nsharpening cutting tools for gardening such as\npruners, clippers, snips, or shears when these have\nbecome fouled from working on plants which exude gummy\nresidue or sticky sap when cut. The device ...