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A 49 year old professional fitness instructor sustained a high velocity rotational injury to his right ankle while waterski-ing. The ski bindings did not release, exacerbating the injury. This resulted in a trimalleolar fracture and a rupture of his Achilles tendon. A trimalleolar fracture in ...
A rare case of a fracture through the neck of the talus with a trimalleolar ankle fracture and ruptured tibialis posterior tendon is presented and the literature reviewed. Management consisted of open-reduction internal fixation of the fractures and repair of the tibialis posterior tendon. At 40 ...
Peroneal artery pseudoaneurysm after surgical stabilisation of a Weber C trimalleolar ankle fracture: A case report and review of literature.Peroneal artery pseudoaneurysm after surgical stabilisation of a Weber C trimalleolar ankle fracture: A case report and review of literature.doi:10.1177/1460408613507...
Ive been waiting months to post this video! 1 year ago today I broke my ankle jumping rope!! Lots of low moments but this was a trip of a lifetime! #trimalleolarfracture 🙏 #brokenanklerecovery #alaska #brokenanklegang #brokenanklecheck Luis Santana(
Trimalleolar fractures are a common ankle fracture variant that has sparked controversy over whether or not to fix the posterior malleolus of these fractures. Recent literature has begun to support fixation of the posterior malleolus fragment to restore the contact force of the joint, as well as ...
Trimalleolar fractures are a common ankle fracture variant that has sparked controversy over whether or not to fix the posterior malleolus of these fractures. Recent literature has begun to support fixation of the posterior malleolus fragment to restore the contact force of the joint, as well as ...
Trimalleolar fracture of ankle joint clinical outcome studydoi:10.1016/j.injury.2010.07.369R.A. Stevenson and S. Hakkalamani and M.S. HennesyInjury Extra
Trimalleolar fractures occur with loss of joint integrity and soft tissue injuries in gross violent forces. To avoid complications they need to be planned in such a way to treat them with proper reduction and minimal soft tissue dissection around the ankle.P.Anil Babu...
Complications in treatment of these complex fractures are relatively common and often unavoidable. The authors present the case study of a 49 year-old female who underwent open reduction with internal fixation of a closed Danis Weber type-B trimalleolar ankle fracture and suffered avascular necrosis ...