sudo hdparm --fibmap tempfile 1. 2. 3. From the output copy the number under "begin_LBA" and use it in the next command. Also check the system name of your SSD: System->Administration->Disk Utility (sda, sdb, or sdc ...) sudo hdparm --read-sector 2638848 /dev/sda #replace 2638...
The #1 Mac SSD performance utility Enable Trim, monitor your disk health, optimize your performance, and benchmark your drive with Trim Enabler 4. Free DownloadBuy Now Our most powerful Trim Enabler yet. Packed with features to optimize your Mac performance. ...
下载地址: 官网地址: ...
utility library string strings lib crop trim util limit dot-dot-dot maximum-length trim-string crop-string trims-strings Updated Jul 27, 2022 JavaScript TechQuery / reduce-blank Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests A NPM command-line tool for reducing excessive blank characters in text files co...
从网上找的,不知道能不能帮到楼主,看看吧一、进入scsiraid 主菜单在主板post 过程中,出现[[[press ctrl-c to start lsi logic configurationutility...]]] 字样时,按[ctrl]+[c] 进入scsiraid 设置主菜单。回车后出现下图所示菜单。本手册中的具体参数随着scsi卡版本、硬盘配置不同而不同,请以具体配置为准。
This program provides an easy way to test whether TRIM works on your SSD. It uses a similar method to the one describedhere, but uses sector calculations to avoid searching the entire drive for the sought pattern. It also pads the sought data with 32MB blocks of dummy data, to give some...
From my sweet rep at Mac-Parts: OWC, Intel and a few other SSD manufacturers offer an utility that mimics what TRIM does. SSD Over-Provisioning is the technique used and by providing extra memory capacity (which the user can't access) the SSD controller can more easily create pre-erased ...
[Not Loaded] SMARTUtilityMenuItem (Volitans Software - installed 2024-03-20) Modern Login Item ~/Downloads/SMART Utility/SMART Applications: 391 apps 374 x86-only apps 2 unsigned apps App Extensions: Share services: Send to Chat -...
Here is a screenshot of the utility too (in case that helps): Kind regards, Benno Translate SSD Toolbox.csv 19 KB 0 Kudos Reply BennoMP Novice 07-08-2020 06:01 AM 21,276 Views So I found a fix.First off, you shouldn't be using the "old...
Here is a screenshot of the utility too (in case that helps): Kind regards, Benno Translate SSD Toolbox.csv 19 KB 0 Kudos Reply BennoMP Novice 07-08-2020 06:01 AM 21,377 Views So I found a fix.First off, you shouldn't be using the "old"...