2021年12月,公司的一家子公司签订了一项购买协议,将其在新西兰子公司的73.2%的间接股权(“2度出售”)出售给Voyage Digital(NZ)Limited(“Voyage Digital”),并于2022年3月签订了一项协议,将其在玻利维亚子公司的总计71.5%的间接股权(“Nuevatel交易”)以象征性的购买价格转让给Balesia Technologies,Inc.。2022年第...
NuevaTel has maintained adequate cash liquidity to date in part due to cash management efforts since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in $13.8 million of cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at NuevaTel as of March 31, 2022. As an additional measure to preserve li...