标准的正切函数(如上图所示)表达式如下 y = \tan x = \frac{\sin x}{\cos x} \tag{8} 其渐近线(asymptotes)、x轴交点坐标、交点处切线斜率及其周期性分别如下 \begin{cases} \text{asymptotes}: x= (k+1/2) \pi (k=0,\pm1,\pm2, \cdots)\\ A_k=(\pi,0)((k=0,\pm1,\pm2, \cdots...
sin(t+2πn)=sin t cos(t+2πn)=cos t tan(t+πn)= tan t The graph of y = A cos(Bx-C) is obtained by horizontally shifting the graph of y = A cosBx so that the starting point of the cycle is shifted from x=0 to x=C/B. The number C/B is called thephase shift. amp...
(π-α)=-tanα These are all those "name donot change" As pi goes to half pi the difference shall be huge sin(π/2+α)=cosα sin(π/2-α)=cosα cos(π/2+α)=-sinα cos(π/2-α)=sinα tan(π/2+α)=-cotα tan(π/2-α)=cotα That is to say the odds will change...
正弦函数y = sin t的图形呈现周期性,每2π单位重复,其在t轴上一个周期内的变化规律与角AOB在单位圆上的移动一致,从0到π/2,正弦值递增。余弦函数y = cos t,其图像类似于正弦函数,只是向左移动了π/2,即cos t = sin(π/2 + t)。正切函数y = tan t的图像特征显著,当t接近π/2...
余弦函数 y=cosx y=cosx =cosx,x x∈R ;正切函数y=tan x, x≠qπ/(2)+kπ(k∈Z)+kπ(k∈Z).(2)利用角a终边上一点的坐标定义三角函数如图所示,设a是一个任意角,它的终边上任意一点P(不与原点O重合)的坐标为(x,y),点P与原点的距离为r,则sinα=y/r cosα=x/r ,anαα0=y/x其中 r...
cosα/sinα=cotα=cscα/secα sin2α+cos2α=1 1+tan2α=sec2α 1+cot2α=csc2α 诱导公式 sin(-α)=-sinα cos(-α)=cosα tan(-α)=-tanα cot(-α)=-cotα sin(π/2-α)=cosα cos(π/2-α)=sinα tan(π/2-α)=cotα cot(π/2-α)=tanα sin(π/2+α)=cosα cos...
Trigonometry Table which gives the trigonometric ratios of standard angles 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° for Sin, Cos, Tan, Sec, Cot, Cosec functions.
sin(π-α)= sinα cos(π-α)=-cosα tan(π-α)=-tanα These are all those name do not -change 这些都是函数名不变 As pi goes to half pi the difference shall be huge 当π值缩小一半 结果会大不相同 sin(π/2++α)=cosα cos(π/2++α)=-sinα tan(π/2++α)=-cotα sin(π...
sin(2π+α)=sinαsin(2π+α)=sinα cos(2π+α)=cosαcos(2π+α)=cosα tan(2π+α)=tanαtan(2π+α)=tanα which is induction formula1, and induction formula 2这是诱导公式归类1,下面是诱导公式归类2 sin(π+α)= —sinαsin(π+α)= —sinα cos(π+α)=—cosαcos(π+α)...