Assertions CREATE ASSERTION <name> CHECK ( <condition> ); These are database-schema elements, like relations or views An assertion is a statement in SQL that ensures a certain condition will always exist in the database. Assertions are like column and table constraints, except that they are s...
Assertions: any SQL boolean expression. Review: Single-Attribute Keys Place PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE after the type in the declaration of the attribute. Example: CREATE TABLE Beers ( name CHAR(20) UNIQUE, manf CHAR(20) ); Review: Multiattribute Key The bar and beer together are the key for...
Triggers:Actionsthatareexecutedwhenaspecifiedconditionoccurs EasiertoimplementthanmanyconstraintExample:insertatuple 2 IST210Constraints KeysForeign-key(referentialintegrity)Value-basedconstraintsTuple-basedconstraintsAssertions(SQLbooleanexpression)3 IST210ForeignKeys Requiresthatvaluesforcertainattributesmustappearinother...
Database Management Systems 36 Raghu Ramakrishnan Summary v SQL was an important factor in the early acceptance of the relational model; more natural than earlier, procedural query languages. v Relationally complete; in fact, significantly more expressive power than relational algebra. v Even queries ...
CREATE FUNCTION (SQL table) CREATE PROCEDURE (SQL - native) CREATE TRIGGER (basic) CREATE TRIGGER (advanced) FL 507If the CREATE PROCEDURE statement contains the OR REPLACE or SPECIFIC clauses, the application compatibility level of the package for the built-in SYSIBMADM.CREATE_WRAPPED procedure ...
d) create an alert rule where you add the ICO created above as an object to be monitored and make sure you select the field "Payload in alert" is set to enabled e) create user defined message search on the outbound service interface for all important fields which need to be monitored ...
Triggers Monitor and debug triggers by: Compiling correct errors in the PL/SQL Editor Displaying debug messages at run time Invoking the PL/SQL Debugger Monitor and debug triggers by: Compiling correct errors in the PL/SQL Editor Displaying debug messages at run time Invoking the PL/SQL ...