Stored Procedures and triggers within a database are similar constructs. They can both perform the same SQL statements. The biggest difference between the two is how they are executed. A stored procedure has to be executed by a user, while a trigger is executed by the system as the result ...
Trigger Procedures PL/pgSQL can be used to define trigger procedures on data changes or database events. A trigger procedure is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command, declaring it as a function with no arguments and a return type of trigger (for data change triggers) or event_trigger (fo...
Database objects that can use the rich programming model provided by the CLR include DML triggers, DDL triggers, stored procedures, functions, aggregate functions, and types.Creating a CLR trigger (DML or DDL) in SQL Server involves the following steps:...
SQL Server does not allow for text, ntext, or image column references in the inserted and deleted tables for AFTER triggers. However, these data types are included for backward compatibility purposes only. The preferred storage for large data is to use the varchar(max), nvarchar(max), and ...
stored proceduresOne important task when you take ownership of an existing database is to familiarize yourself with the objects that comprise the database.This task includes getting to know existing procedures, functions, and triggers.You find the following objects in ...
1表示發行者版本是 SQL Server 2000 (8.x) Service Pack 2 或更早版本。 2表示發行者是 SQL Server 2000 (8.x) Service Pack 3 (SP 3) 和更新版本。 當發行者版本是 SQL Server 2000 (8.x) SP 3 和更新版本時,@pubversion必須明確設定2為 。
Triggers are similar to stored procedures, which are discussed in Chapter 18, "Procedures and Packages". A trigger stored in the database can include SQL and PL/SQL or Java statements to execute as a unit and can invoke stored procedures. However, procedures and triggers differ in the way...
SQL Server offers a way to encrypt your Stored Procedures to make sure that prying eyes can not see what is going on behind the scenes. The problem with this method is that it is not a very secure way of encrypting the contents of your stored procedures. In addition, since SQL Server ...
What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Database design Hierarchical Data Collation Databases Event notification FILESTREAM, FileTable & BLOB Indexes SQL Graph Sequence numbers Service Broker Spatial data Stored procedures Tab...
SQL triggers are stored procedures that automatically execute in response to certain events in a specific table or view in a database. They are used to maintain the integrity of the data, enforce business rules, and automate tasks. We can set triggers to fire before or after anINSERT,UPDATE...