study of logical circuits based on any technology. The different waveforms observed in experiments at the latch or flip-flop output have been explained in theory. Apparent.hesitation which can be responsible for coherence faults introduced by the synchronizers in random access synchronous systems is ...
After going through my post on flip flop, you must have understood the importance of triggering a flip flop. The output of a flip flop can be changed by bring a small change in the input signal. This small change can be brought with the help of a clock pulse or commonly known as a ...
However, the flip flop latency may be degraded due to the large capacitive loads output nodes. On top of that, MDETFF suffers from high leakage current. This is caused by a high-voltage drop across transistor. when they are off, the pulse generating stage, the sensing stage and the ...
4) level-triggered flip-flop 电平触发式触发器5) level trigger manner 电平触发方式6) level-triggered interrupt 电平触发中断补充资料:饱和输出电平 分子式:CAS号:性质:在录放首过程中,10kHz及其以上高频信号的输出达到饱和时的最大输出电平称饱和输出电平。SOL值小时高频带声音开始变宽,听觉上感到声音混浊...
摘要:A set-reset flip-flop is taught utilizing NAND gate logic elements and an internally connected resistor-capacitor circuit. The time constant of the resistor-capacitor network is such that valid triggering pulses for the input terminal of the flip-flop will not be propagated through the flip...
3) double-edge-triggered flip-flop 双边沿触发器 1. Design of low power multivalued double-edge-triggered flip-flop; 多值低功耗双边沿触发器设计 2. The application of this type of double-edge-triggered flip-flop in seq. 从双边沿触发器的特点出发,提出了一种双边沿动态触发器的设计方案,该...
8.We are in need of more power stations to generate more electricity.我们需要更多的电站,发更多的电。 9.triggered spark gap触发放电器触发火花隙 10.clocked flip flop时标触发器定时触发器 11.Multiple Triggered Effects : If more than one effect is triggered in response to a particular event, tho...
11.clocked flip flop时标触发器定时触发器 12.Trigger characteristics of new trigatron with discal trigger electrode盘式触发电极触发管开关的触发特性 13.Cooling of thecerebellum could only modulate but not trigger stepping movements.冷冻小脑不能触发,但仅能调控“踏步自动作用”。
2) threshold-triggered flip-flop 门限触发器3) animation camera trigger 特技摄象机触发器;特技摄象机触发开关4) camera record trigger 摄象机录制启动;摄象机录制触发5) Quadrant [英]['kwɔdrənt] [美]['kwɑdrənt] 象限 1. The connection between the convexity and concavity of vertices...
2) flip-flop stage 触发级3) layer 2 trigger 二层触发4) Second trigger of IN 二次触发5) cascaded trigger 级联触发器 1. Implementation of cascaded triggers termination; 级联触发器终止性的实现6) row-level trigger 行级触发器 1. In addition,the row-level control system can be ...