The trigger point injection may contain different agents depending on your personal needs. Dr Weglein may also decide to treat your trigger point pain with acupuncture without injection of chemicals. Trigger point pain is seen all over the body; some examples include fibromyalgia, tension headaches,...
What is a trigger point injection? Trigger point injections are given to inactivate your trigger points and provide prompt relief from chronic pain from conditions such as myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia. Trigger point injections are given to inactivate your trigger points, resulting in prompt...
Trigger point injection (TPI) may be an option fortreating painin some patients. TPI is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle that contain trigger points, or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. Many times, such knots can be felt under theskin. Trigger points ...
Diagnostic tests are important to pinpoint the allergens that are causing your symptoms. Common tests include: Skin prick test (SPT).This involves applying a small amount of the potential allergen to your skin and pricking it lightly. A reaction such as redness or swelling indicates that you’...
How about trigger point injection therapy? How about Botox injection therapy? [Mar 2024] How about nerve blocks? How about acupuncture? Acupressure/shiatsu: what if we pressed those points instead of puncturing? How about Active Release Techniques® (ART)? Measuring progress in trigger point ther...
The current study explores the impact of concurrent myofascial trigger point injection (MTrPI) and occipital nerve block (greater occipital nerve block [GONB]+lesser occipital nerve block [LONB]) on the severity of headaches and the number of migraine attacks in individuals with chronic migraine ...
(5) neck pain resulting from cervical whiplash or direct neck area trauma; (6) diagnosis of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or depression; (7) pregnancy; (8) recent trigger-point injection or participation in a physical treatment program in the month prior; and (9) having already ...
The Effect of Trigger Point Injection and $C_2$-ganglion Block for the Patients with Chronic Headache Sjaastad was the first to describe "cervicogenic headache", one of various head pain syndromes that probably originate in the cervical spine. Between March 1995 and June 1995, we studied 78 ...
Soft Tissue Stiffness Before and after Trigger Point Injections in Neck-Shoulder Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Cross... Objectives: To determine values of soft tissue stiffness [STS] before and after injection treatment in neck-shoulder myofascial pain and to ...
TPIs also can be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches. During trigger point injections, the patient may be positioned in a recumbent position for the prevention of syncope, assistance in patient relaxation, and decreased muscle tension. The trigger point must then be identified correctly...