Trigger FingerTrigger finger is a common condition of hand, and all fingers may be affected. This condition is usually idiopathic in adults, but can also be associated with trauma. In children, the etiology is different than that of adults. Treatments range from conservative to operative....
Su, "Quantitative evidence of kinematics and functional differences in different graded trigger fingers," Clinical Biomechanics, vol. Evaluating Hand Function in Clients with Trigger Finger The May 6 headline "Tiny trigger fingers shatter families" brought to the forefront some critical points gun rights...
The information provided in this Trigger Finger and Trigger Thumb Guide eBook is not meant to replace advice given by your medical practitioner. This document is for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional or a recommenda...
The finger and thumb bones have tendons that are responsible for bending and straightening the fingers. Problems start when a tendon sheath narrows (stenosis) and the outer covering of the tendon becomes inflamed (tenosynovitis). The tendon swells because of the constriction, sometimes forming a ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to trigger finger:Trigger thumb trig′ger fin`ger n. any finger, usu. the forefinger, that presses the trigger of a gun. [1820–30] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Diction...
Trigger finger is a painful condition that makes your fingers or thumb catch or lock when you bend them. It can affect any finger or more than one finger at a time. You can also have it in both hands. You might hear it called stenosing tenosynovitis. When you have trigger finger, your...
Trigger Finger Wand offers an alternative treatment for trigger finger. Experience natural, at-home relief from pain, swelling, and discomfort. Order now!
The pain of trigger finger is localized to the distal palm, and tender nodules can often be palpated. The pain is constant and is made worse with active gripping motions of the hand. Patients note significant stiffness when flexing the fingers. Sleep disturbance is common, and patients often ...
there too Rhus Tox is effective. It is helpful in cases of trigger finger where there is noticeable rigidity andstiffness in the fingersduring initial movement especially in the morning. Patients needing this homeopathic medicine get relief by moving their fingers and hands continuously. The problem...
There were 8 children with single-finger involvement; the remaining patients had more than 1 triggering finger. Seven fingers in 5 children were not treated surgically; 1 of these patients had residual triggering in all 3 involved fingers. Ten fingers in 7 children were treated surgically. In ...