Example 2. A PL/pgSQL Trigger Procedure For Auditing This example trigger ensures that any insert, update or delete of a row in the emp table is recorded (i.e., audited) in the emp_audit table. The current time and user name are stamped into the row, together with the type of opera...
Rather than creating a large block of code within a trigger body, you can save the code as a stored procedure and call the procedure from within the trigger, by using the call command. For example, if you create an INSERT_BOOKSHELF_AUDIT_DUP procedure that inserts rows into BOOKSHELF_ AU...
2. DROP TRIGGER example 2.1 Check the trigger status : SELECTTRIGGER_NAME,STATUSFROMUSER_TRIGGERSwhereupper(TRIGGER_NAME)='TRG_DROP_EXAMPLE';Copy 2.2 Delete the trigger. DROPTRIGGERtrg_drop_example;-- output-- Trigger trg_drop_example dropped.Copy 2.3 Check the status again. SELECTTRIGGER_NAME...
1. After INSERT Trigger In this example, if a new user is created inuser_details, but fields likepassport_noordriving_license_nois missing, a new record will be inserted intouser_remindersvia ‘after insert’ trigger onuser_details 1.1 Create tables and trigger. USER_DETAILS CREATE TABLEUSER_...
Create Triger Example CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGERmy_sal_changes BEFORE DELETE OR INSERT OR UPDATE ON Emp_tab FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new.Empno > 0) DECLARE sal_diff number; BEGIN sal_diff := :new.sal – :old.sal; dbms_output.put(‘Old salary: ‘ || :old.sal); ...
oracle pl/sql之触发器(trigger) 一.oracle触发器介绍 触发器在数据库里以独立的对象存储,它与存储过程和函数不同的是,存储过程与函数需要用户显示调用才执行,而触发器是由一个事件来启动运行。即触发器是当某个事件发生时自动地隐式运行。并且,触发器不能接收参数。所以运行触发器就叫触发或点火(firing)。ORACLE...
PLSQL_Oracle Trigger触发器的基本概念和用法 2014-06-14 Created By BaoXinjian 一、基本概念 触发器是许多关系数据库系统都提供的一项技术。在ORACLE系统里,触发器类似过程和函数,都有声明,执行和异常处理过程的PL/SQL块。 触发器在数据库里以独立的对象存储,它与存储过程和函数不同的是,存储过程...
Triggers can contain PL/SQL code and SQL code that are executed as a block. The trigger can be invoked either before or after the execution of the order insert, update, or delete. Triggers can be: –Trigger for the application: this type of trigger is run when an event occurs in an...
Example Let's look at an example that shows how to enable all triggers on a table in Oracle. For example: ALTER TABLE orders ENABLE ALL TRIGGERS; This example uses the ALTER TABLE statement to enable all triggers on the table called orders....