Page Template (mspp_pagetemplate) Personal Document Template (PersonalDocumentTemplate) Phone Call (PhoneCall) Planner Business Scenario (plannerbusinessscenario) Planner Sync Action (PlannerSyncAction) Plug-in (plugin) Plug-in Assembly (PluginAssembly) Plug-in Trace Log (PluginTraceLog) Plug-in Type...
AutoHealActionType AutoHealCustomAction AutoHealRules AutoHealTriggers AzureActiveDirectory AzureActiveDirectoryLogin AzureActiveDirectoryRegistration AzureActiveDirectoryValidation AzureBlobStorageApplicationLogsConfig AzureBlobStorageHttpLogsConfig AzureResourceErrorInfo AzureResourceType AzureStaticWebApps AzureStaticWeb...
Sometimes called a “buy signal,” a sales trigger event is an action or occurrence that creates a sales opportunity. These could be industry changes, a new funding round announcement, a merger, or a prospect getting a new role. Broadly speaking, any industry change can be considered a trigg...
accountrelationshipsharerule accountingfieldmapping accountingmodelconfig actionlinkgrouptemplate actionplantemplate actionablelistdefinition advaccountforecastset aiapplication aiapplicationconfig aiscoringmodeldefinition aiusecasedefinition analyticsnapshot animationrule articletype apexclass apexcomponent apexemail...
GitResolutionRename1to2Action GitResolutionStatus GitResolutionWhichAction GitRestClient GitRevert GitServiceIds GitStatus GitStatusContext GitStatusState GitSuggestion GitTargetVersionDescriptor GitTemplate GitTreeDiff GitTreeDiffEntry GitTreeDiffResponse GitTreeEntryRef GitTreeRef GitUserDate GitVersionDescriptor...
AutoHealCustomAction AutoHealCustomActionOutput AutoHealRules AutoHealRulesOutput AutoHealTriggers AutoHealTriggersOutput AzureActiveDirectory AzureActiveDirectoryLogin AzureActiveDirectoryLoginOutput AzureActiveDirectoryOutput AzureActiveDirectoryRegistration AzureActiveDirectoryRegistrationOutput AzureActiveDirectoryVa...
data.action_id TriggerContextData.Shortcut.action_id string Only available when the trigger is invoked from a Workflow Button! A unique identifier for the action that invoked the trigger. data.block_id TriggerContextData.Shortcut.block_id string Only available when the trigger is invoked from a...
We are going to create a function "pressButton" as we called it in the XML Button's action. And inside the function we are going to: Create variables to get the input values we set up from the view. Create a variable object to pass the payload needed to trigge...
#碎碎念#We all, at a certain point in the life course, might drop off a little while to think why we could not be a better person - change to achieve the happiness. However, the majority of us might fail in the action. We are not only lacking the skill/structure needed to sustain...
Mice expressing human SOD1 mutations develop a motor syndrome with features of the human disease.1 Both cell-autonomous and non-cell-auto- nomous processes contribute to motoneuron degeneration: a toxic action of mutant SOD1 within motoneurons has been documented as crucial for the onset and the...