1.Right. You're gonna teach metrig? You can't even balance your checkbook. 没错。你要教我三角函数吗?你连自己的支票簿都搞不明白。 「绝望的主妇(音频版)第三季」评价该例句:好评差评指正 BBC 《中国老师来了》 2.Three differenttrigratios, sin, cos, and tan. ...
Use trig ratios when the right triangle only has one side length given and it is not a special right triangle (30-60 or 45-45) 1 st Trigonometric Ratio The sine (sin): o p p o s i t e s i n h yp o t e n u s e 2 nd Trigonometric Ratio The cosine (cos): ...
正弦和余弦的图 正弦和余弦就像好朋友:一个跟着另一个,隔开的距离是刚好 "π/2" 弧度(90°)。 正切函数 的图 正切的图有完全不同的形状……它处于正与负无穷大之间,每π弧度(180°)经过 0 一次,像这样: 在π/2 弧度(90°),和 -π/2、3π/2 等等,正切函数是未定义的,因为它可以是正无穷大或负无穷...
A multipurpose trigonometry calculator in degres and radians. ➤ Calculate any trigonometry function like sin, cos, tan, cot, arcsin, arccot, arctan, and arccot easily. Degrees and radians are supported for both input and output. A great tool for trigo
Tan, cot, sec, and csc, calculated from trig identities. Once you know the value of sine and cosine, you can use the following trigonometric identities to obtain the values of the other four functions: Tangent is the sine-to-cosine ratio tan(α) = sin(α)/cos(α) Cosecant is the re...
sine,cosine,tangent,cotangent,secant,andcosecant.sin=opphyp cos=adjhyp tan=oppadj csc=hypopp sec=hypadj cot=adjopp Copyright©byHoughtonMifflinCompany,Inc.Allrightsreserved.2 Calculatethetrigonometricfunctionsfor.5 3 Thesixtrigratiosare sin=45 tan=43 sec=53 4 cos=35 cot=34 csc=54 ...
This trig triangle calculator uses the following widely-known trigonometric ratios, which relate the sides of a right triangle to its angles: sin(α)=oppositehypotenusecos(α)=adjacenthypotenusetan(α)=oppositeadjacentsin(α)cos(α)tan(α)=hypotenuseopposite=hypotenuseadjacent=adjacentopposit...
All trigonometric identities are derived using the six basic trigonometric ratios. These are sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), cosecant (csc), secant (sec), and cotangent (cot). Fig 1: Trig Ratios Chart FIg 1 displays a chart that can be used to recall the six basic trigonomet...
三角函数计算器 输入> > > 有效位数>>> 三角函数计算器,可以方便地计算sin cosin tan cotan sec csc asin acos atan actan asen acsc的值,正弦 余弦 正切 余切 反正弦 反余弦 反正切 反余切计算器。
Analytica includes a full range of trigonometric functions, including Sin, Cos, Tan, their inverses, ASin, ACos, ATan, and ATan2, and hyperbolic functions, SinH, CosH, TanH, and their inverses, ASinH, ACosH, and ATanH. Important Analytica's trigonometric functions operate using degrees as ...