Sol: In order to solve these kinds of series, we should fill the given blanks by taking each option one by one & see where it forms a logical pattern. When you try to fill the first option, it becomes pqppqpppppqp. It does not result into any particular logical pattern. If you ...
To get good marks in exams you need to get very good marks in reasoning. And believe me it’s also very easy to score good marks in reasoning section. You just need to learn few things in reasoning. As we already mentioned that it’s a logical thing so you need logic to solve reaso...
Getting to know logical reasoning comes a long way when analyzing data. The IF statement is one of the cornerstones in MS Excel to carry out the logical analysis. It is to be noted that there are also another specialty IF statements available in MS Excel, that can be constructed to detect...
Mental exercise: Puzzles help complete brain exercise that is left and right side. Both sides must communicate and work together as creativity, emotions, logical thinking, and objective are required to solve a puzzle Better visual-spatial reasoning: We place the puzzles within larger images by seei...
class x, xii ssc chsl books for logical reasoning analytical reasoning by mk pandey test of reasoning by edgar thorpe a modern approach to verbal and non-verbal reasoning by rs aggarwal new approach to reasoning verbal, non-verbal and analytical by bs sijwali and indu sijwali. ssc chsl book...
Directions are part of logical reasoning. It is one of the most commonly found topics in almost all the entrance exams. The topic requires analytical and logical skills to solve the questions. Mastering the ‘Directions’ topic will help in gaining expertise in seating arrangement. ‘Directions’...
Syllogism is a important chapter in verbal reasoning. It helps to build up the logic of your brain. In exams like BANK, RRB, CAT, MAT and other competitive exams this chapter based question has given. This chapter based question has given to checks the logical ability of students. ...
Use your real-life relatives to answer Blood relation questions. Apply your logical thinking to all SSC JE Reasoning Questions in your routine life to get a hang of it. Practice as much as possible to increase your speed and power to think. Solve mock Test papers daily and make sure you ...
over English language, along with string knowledge of vocabulary as well as grammar. It is also important to understand the context as well as flow of the passage. While many consider, the Cloze test asked in exam to be toughest, there are tricks that can be used to solve such questions....
It concludes with a call to action for universities and the NCAA to make the necessary changes. In sum, this work makes a compelling case for compensating collegiate athletes. It has an engaging introduction, a well-stated thesis, and logical body paragraphs that support the main point. A log...