Either you can pay cash upfront or you can pay little by little, year after year. For most us, monthly mortgage payments are the most feasible option. While we continue to chip away paying off our homes, some of us may wonder how we can speed up the process. Whatever your reason may...
Mortgage refinancing is the process of paying off an existing mortgage loan with… Danny Marshall Understanding Mortgage Legalities and Laws A mortgage is a legal agreement that gives the lender the right to take ownership of… Danny Marshall ...
I paid off my last home mortgage back in 2012 and being debt free since then has felt so liberating. Trust me, the extra effort required to finally pay off your debt is so worth it. Nothing beats the freedom you’ll feel from watching your debt melt away, one bill at a time until ...
First off, the reticle is always smack-bang in the middle of the your screen, so what you need to do is hold the aim button and then take a marker/piece of cellotape/post-it and mark where the reticle is on your screen. Fashion the marker into whatever you want/however you want ...
Auto loans are typically easier to pay off than other types of loans (e.g., mortgage loan or student loans), but they still require a great deal of diligence to ensure you’re paying as little interest as possible over the 36/48/60/72 months you have the loan. ...
Did you know that second to a mortgage, the average American's next highest bill is their grocery bill? Crazy-sauce, I know. We've got some grocery shopping tips and tricks that will help you save BIG on groceries without using coupons… ...
I quickly realized I was in trouble when I added up my monthly mortgage payment, utilities and homeowners association fee. They totaled close to 90% of my take home pay. I had a friend who was in need of a place to stay and he agreed to move in and I charged him rent. ...
Looking to save money on your mortgage? Reduce your monthly payments by refinancing now. Compare rates 20. Get creative to stay within budget Artwork doesn’t have to break the bank. Stay within your budget by using online resources like Facebook Marketplace and Etsy. “Etsy sellers post tons...
To be honest, I’m not ready to tip my apple cart yet. I have a mortgage. I have employees to pay. I absolutely do not have a war chest to dip into to ride out a major income shortage. If I lost most of my advertising income I would just… fail. Close up shop. Be forced to...
3 Tips to Refinancing Your Home Mortgage by Phil Calypso Inspiration: How To Talk Like a Pirate Wench by Anita 5 Tips for Crafting Effective Criticism by Annie Three Strategies for Surviving your Short Stay in the Slammer by J.D. Basic Cleaning Tips and Tricks by Jester ...