Take a little time to sort through your laundry space, and get rid of items that you don’t need to store there, no longer use, or are ineffective. Most laundry rooms are fairly small, so you want to optimize your space as much as possible and leave room for sorting and folding your...
As the simile of the Quran states, to expect some benefits from those invalid gods is like to take refuge in the “spider web, which is the flimsiest house. (al-Ankabut, 41) However, the humanity have not been able to get rid of those spider webs throughout history. Some of those ...
the blood test will show no worms and she will cease the exercise restriction the end of this month. Missi also managed to get an infection in one of her hind paws having it
they just sound like themselves right from the get go. This is especially true on the piano^ led ‘Doing All Right’ penned by May and Tim Staffell – making him the first non-Queen member to get a writing credit until Bowie on ‘Under Pressure’, the melodies are great and the heavier...
And also that dogs are family. And they should be treated as such, with the same respect we give people, especially in their senior years. Dogs have given us their lifetime of unconditional love, play, walks, and even sympathy, and we owe it to them to be with them ...
What a fun topic to get to comment on! My family, (4 young kids, me, husband and 2 dogs) camp at least once a month through the fall and spring. Summer is out of the question in Texas! We treasure each trip out. Some helpful tips that have made my life easier I’d love to ...
Put sisal rugs in front of all outside doorways. I put one outside and one inside. You can ask people and dogs to wipe their feet when coming in from outside…..haha. If you can get people to take off their shoes at the outside door, a small shoe rack is great for keeping the...
“I will risk my life to protect those who need my protection!” Name:Mountain Keurm Introduction When they were first deciding on their uniforms, it was between the Taekwondo uniform or the Korean topcoat. They had to take a vote. ...