例如,在经济学领域,trickle-down economics(涓滴经济学)指的是一种理论,认为通过给富人减税或补贴,他们将有更多的资金用于投资和消费,从而促进经济增长,这种增长的益处最终会“滴落”到普通大众身上。而trickle-down effect(涓滴效应)则是指经济增长或财富的增加首先影响到富人,然后逐渐扩散到更广泛的社会群体中。 在...
Trickle down economics 中文里翻译为“涓滴经济学”。这是美国上世纪80年代,里根政府贯彻的一种政策,指的是:政府救济不是救助穷人最好的方法,应该通过经济增长使总财富增加,最终使穷人受益。 相对应的,还有trickle down effect,它指的是:涓滴效应/渗漏效应。 指在经济发展过程中并...
trickle-down effect The trickle-down effect is an economic theory that suggests that a country's economic growth will eventually benefit individuals and businesses in all income brackets as a result of policies that favor the wealthiest individuals by taxing them at a lower rate. This theory has...
'Drip-down effect':这一表达与“trickle down”类似,强调了效果或影响的逐渐扩散。 'Percolation effect':虽然这个词更多用于物理或化学中的渗透现象,但在某些上下文中,它可以被用作“trickle down”的隐喻,表示某种影响或资源逐渐渗透到各个层面。 'Gradual spread':这个短语没有特...
The Laffer Curve supports its effect but only up to the point where the tax rates are at a prohibitive range. Out of this range, trickle-down theory is deemed infeasible. Trickle-down economics generally does not work because: Cutting taxes for the wealthy often does not translate to increase...
trickle-down中文翻译 n.下层受惠论 trickle-down是什么意思 网络涓滴; 涓滴效应; 向下涓滴 词组短语 1.Trickle-downEffect涓滴效应;滴流效应;滴漏效应 2.trickle-downeconomics涓滴经济学;经济学 3.trickle-downtheory涓滴理论;滴入论;顺流理论;滴漏理论
Businessesareconcernedcutbackswillhaveatrickledowneffectontheirprofits. 企业担心消减将对他们的利润产生涓滴效应。 blog.163.com 7. Ineconomics,thereisatheorycalled"trickle-downeffect". 经济学里有个“垂滴效应”的理论。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Thesetax cuts,whichhavenowbeen in placeforalmostadecade,weresu...
Related topics:Economics ˈtrickle-down efˌfectnoun[singular] PEa belief that additional wealth gained by the richest people in society will have a good economic effect on the lives of everyone because the rich people will put the extra money into businesses,investmentsetc涓滴效应,滴漏效应〔一...
Owyong,D. T. ,2010,"Measuring the trickle-down Effect: A Case Study on Singapore,"Applied Economics Letters,7( 8) ,pp.535-539.Measuring the trickle-down effect: a case study on Singapore[J] . David T. Owyong.Applied Economics Letters . 2000 (8)...
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