Made of “non-expanding recreational foam” andmarketed as “the world’s first indoor ball,”the Nerf ball was an instant smash for Parker Brothers. Over 4 million units sold in the first year alone. Similar products soon followed; eventually, the Nerf footballtook the crown for the best-s...
Throwingopenapantrydoor,shesentastartledmousescurryingfor shelter. “Yuck.Canwegoupstairs?” “Thisway,madam.” Sueledthewayupaflightofsurprisinglysturdywoodenstepsand openedthedoortothediningroom.Lucyblinkedatthebrightness;dusty sunlightstreamedthroughthefilthywindows.Longbrownribbonsof ...
As trail runners, we want long-haul comfort from soft cushioning, rugged durability, grippy traction and energy propulsion that puts a spring in our steps, and the TrailFly Ultra G 300 Max offers all of that and more. It doesn’t have the unyieldingly firm sensation as many new trail sho...
the animals were released into the ocean. The former captives struggled, losing weight and becoming emaciated, Waples wrote. One dolphin followed fishing boats, begging for food. Three were eventually recaptured and given a new home at a localaquarium. The other six dolphins haven't been...