the two bellies of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles considered as one muscle inserting via the calcaneal tendon into the calcaneal tuberosity. Synonym(s): musculus triceps surae [TA], triceps (muscle) of calf Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012Want...
Wikipedia Related to Triceps surae:tibialis posterior,rearfoot valgus tri·ceps (trī′sĕps′) A large three-headed muscle running along the back of the upper arm and serving to extend the forearm. [From Latin,three-headed:tri-,tri-+caput,head; seekaput-inIndo-European roo...
The meaning of TRICEPS is a muscle that arises from three heads; especially : the large extensor muscle along the back of the upper arm. How to use triceps in a sentence.
three-headed muscle [TA] complex muscle in which three separate heads of origin converge to insert via a common tendon, for example, triceps brachii, triceps coxae, or triceps surae. Synonym(s):musculus triceps[TA],triceps (muscle)[TA] ...
Objective : We investigated aging effects on triceps surae muscle-subtendon interaction using dual-probe ultrasound imaging during isolated muscle contractions. We hypothesized that, compared to young adults, older adults would have more uniform subtendon tissue displacements that are accompanied by ... The triceps surae is the primary plantar flexor and its strength becomes most obvious during ballet dancing. Lying triceps extensions are one of the most stimulating exercises to the entire triceps muscle group in the upper arm. ...
In vivo human triceps surae and quadriceps femoris muscle function in a squat jump and counter movement jump. Eur J Appl Physiol 83, 416–426 (2000). Download citation Issue DateNovember 2000 DOI Key words Muscle ...
Synonyms for triceps surae reflex in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for triceps surae reflex. 26 synonyms for reflex: automatic, spontaneous, instinctive, involuntary, impulsive, knee-jerk, unthinking, automatic, impulsive, instinctive, involuntary... What ar
Short, rapid dorsiflexion of the normal human ankle induces a single, synchronised reflex EMG response in the initially relaxed triceps surae muscle (TS). In subjects in whom hemiparesis is present as a result of a unilateral ischaemic cerebral lesion, a reflex EMG response can be elicited on ...