Tosca’s model-based testing deconstructs your application into models that become the building blocks for your test cases. They make object identification clear and unique. You can insert variables and recall them later for verification. Most importantly, you can build a library of test steps and...
Tricentis Tosca supports and helps you automate tests across virtually any technology. See how we integrate with the tools you already use.
Accelerate and optimize end-to-end testing of your whole digital landscape with Tricentis Tosca’s codeless, AI-powered approach.
Discover how customers shift-left testing with Tosca’s SV Salesforce test automation brings agility to varian See how Tricentis helped Varian Medical System run tests in... Read more How IHG’s test management transformation opened the door to continuous test automation ...
Learn how OMV has achieved 80% test automation of all business-critical processes with Tricentis Tosca. Read more View more success stories Case study How Dell ISG unified testing across diverse DevOps teams and toolsets Learn how Dell ISG uses Tricentis qTest to coordinate test management and ...
Reduce the time spent on complex testing activities and resolve issues faster with execution insights, leading to shorter release cycles and significant time savings. Productivity gains Empower new staff with Tosca Copilot, which simplifies onboarding and accelerates learning, leading to quicker productivi...
At Tricentis, we offer the next evolution in test automation with Tricentis Tosca, powered by Vision AI, our AI-based test automation technology. Now, you can use AI and ML tech to teach your test automation tool to think and act like a human would. Download overview Benefits...
Tricentis TOSCA由德国Tricentis公司开发的一款功能强大的测试工具,提供了广泛的功能模块和特性,以帮助企业在软件开发生命周期的不同阶段进行自动化测试。 目前提供英文和德语两种版本。网上相关的培训课程大约是2000元一套,所以同学们,看到这篇文章就是赚到了。由于篇幅比较长,我分三篇来写,这篇主要介绍Tricentis Tosca...
Tosca标准库里已经帮我们创建了以下测试类型,我们可以根据需要自己去创建测试列表,然后将Test Cases tab下要执行的测试用例选中,拖到我们的执行列表下面。 然后选中执行列表,点击上面菜单中的Run。 执行测试用例 这里有个小tips,如果我们想要某条测试用例执行多次,可以选中该条测试用例,然后修改右边Properties中的Value为我...
3.1 当我们选中Module右键点击选择Scan后,Tosca会重新打开一个XScan的页面(见打开XScan2图),我们可以从中选择我们要测试的系统,然后点击OK确定。 打开XScan(1) 打开XScan(2) 这时候XScan会把被测系统打开的页面上所有的元素跟属性都录下来,如下图所示。我们可以从列表中选择我们要用的元素,选好后可以点击“Fin...