efficiencyandeffectivenessof thedeliveryofbenefitsandservicestoveterans, servicemembers,militaryretireesandtheirfamilies throughanenhancedVAandDoDpartnership 4 LegislativeAuthority •NationalDefenseAuthorizationAct2003 ThetwoSecretariesshall:Developajoint strategicvisionstatementandajointstrategic plantoshape,focus,and...
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)/TRICARE: TRICARE Pharmacy Benefits Program. Final rule.This final rule implements new authority for an over-the-counter (OTC) drug program, makes several ... Office of the Secretary, Department of Defense (DoD) - 《Federal...
BDQAS Benefits 63 Select Data Metrics Select Data Quality Statement Reports Select the command for your MTF Select your MTF and then the data month These are the questions and percentages for each question BDQAS pulls Note: Manual procedures in DQ TUG if needed ...