My Dad (shorter with beard) Three years ago today, my Father passed away. The above photo is of my Dad, Terry (shorter with beard), and his best friend, Dennis. My Dad absolutely loved his motorcycle! So in tribute to this, I wanted to share the poem I wrote that was read at his...
Leonard’s most famous poem is “My Grandmother Would Rock Quietly and Hum,”which is published in his chapbook,Cantos Pa’ La Memoria.His other poems are included inEntrance:4 Chicano Poets, Piecework: Nineteen Fresno PoetsandThe American Poetry Review.Leonard also was one of the poets who ...
My Dad never talked much about his years of service in CBI (to me or to anyone) and I never pressed much to hear about them. Unfortunately he passed ten years before I began work on these pages. As a result, as I compiled these pages as a tribute to him, I had mostly only ...
When we began to learn to write as a child, my mother set a pad and pen in front of us and told us she would teach us to write poetry. So many times when I became upset with something, I would write a poem, and in doing just that all my anger was gone. I could look at the...
Every routine deserves a poem, some deserve two. A friend once asked me about my morning routines, to which I shrugged and responded “Why? It’s boring.”“It’s not, don’t take anything for granted.” I guess he is right. Lately, I’ve seen a trend among the vloggers, many ...
As its title makes plain, “Rape Joke” is a harrowing poem about the question of whether we can gain control over trauma through humor, and about whether art is strong enough to provide a framework around shattering moments, and also about the way that...
“There were so many things we wanted to do with him. He has been taken from us far too soon. Our lives have been changed forever and our hearts are broken. This is not what we expected. I am honoured to call him my dad and he will be remembered forever ...
“I never had the honor of meeting Leonard Cohen. I had a Hebrew school teacher named Leonard Cohen so…,” he said to laughter. “He wasn’t as cool. I’m here to read a poem and I’m incredibly excited, because as a Canadian Jewish person, there is no higher honour than reading...
"Happy birthday my Peep," she commented, adding, "I love you and miss you so much, especially on days such as this. Wishing you a beautiful celebration, now with our little boy Kody and my dad too." The post was accompanied by a poem titled "For Your Birthday in Heaven." ...
This is an excerpt from my talk … For Marg and I, this project is about our dads. They both fought in World War II as was their duty at the time, my dad in the Pacific and Marg’s dad in Europe. We were incredibly lucky that they returned home, intact, to marry, raise families...