1.The Maumee River is the main tributary to Lake Erie. 莫米伊利湖的主要支流。 「Vox 观点」 2.It's the main tributary of the Congo River. 它刚果的主要支流。 「金融时报 」 3.Poyang Lake is fed by Jiangxi's five tributaries and connects to the Yangtze River. 鄱阳湖由江西五大流补给,与长...
The Amazon River flows for around 4,000 miles through the South American countries of Peru, Columbia, and Brazil. This massive river has around 1,100 tributaries, and over 10 of these tributaries are longer than 1,000 miles in length....
将“tributary"翻译成中文 支流, 附庸国, 附庸國是“tributary"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Fed by several river tributaries, the Congo is navigable along most of its length. ↔ 刚果河沿途有多条支流注入,大部分河段可通航。 tributary
Democratic RepublicoftheCongo to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the south-west, the CongoRiverand itstributarytheOubanguiRivertothe east and Gabon to the west. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 南北距离达 1,200 公里,东西距离达约 400 公里,北部与中非共和国和喀麦隆接壤,南部与安 哥拉...
Democratic RepublicoftheCongo to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the south-west, the Congo River anditstributarytheOubangui River to the east and Gabon to the west. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 南北距离达 1,200 公里,东西距离达约 400 公里,北部与中非共和国和喀麦隆接壤,南部与安...
RiverBryconaethiopsboulengeriFoodHabitsOccurrenceEclecticInsectivoreDiet of 300 specimens of Bryconaethiops boulengeri from Djiri River (Congo Brazzaville) caught with cash nets was studied according to the size of fish, sampling stations and hydrological season. Sampling focused on twelve annual withdrawals...
Sangha River, tributary of the Congo River, formed by the Mambéré and Kadeï headstreams at Nola, southwestern Central African Republic. The Sangha River flows 140 miles (225 km) south to Ouesso in Congo (Brazzaville), forming part of Cameroon’s bor
This led geographers to wonder if it was a tributary of the Nile or of the Congo. 这使地理学家们怀疑它是否尼罗河或刚果河的支流。 jw2019 On the same data base water balances can also be compiled for the main tributaries of Danube River. 根据同样的数据基,还可编制多瑙河主要支流的水量...
However, amongst the thousands there have been a few, four of five, to whom the river was not a obstacle. They have heard its voice and listened to it, and the river has become holy to them, as it has to me. Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no su...
the Congo RiveranditstributarytheOubangui River to the east and Gabon to the west. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 南北距离达 1,200 公里,东西距离达约 400 公里,北部与中非共和国和喀麦隆接壤,南部与安 哥拉和刚果民主共和国毗邻,西南濒临大西洋,东临刚果河及其支流乌班吉河, 西靠加蓬。