The article presents an analysis of the regulatory reform carried out in Brazil during the 1990s, focusing on the role of the Tribunal de Contas da Unio (TCU) as the institution in charge of supervising the government accountability project. An overview of t...
a20.2 Factores de valorização das propostas[translate] aOs emolumentos para o “Tribunal de Contas” devem ser diluídos em todas as componentes do Preço, enquanto o “Imposto sobre empreitadas” deve ser diluído na obra Civil e Montagem.[translate]...
tribunal de comarca Amtsgericht nt tribunal de contas Rechnungshof m o Tribunal Internacional/Europeu der Internationale/Europäische Gerichtshof Tribunal da Relação Landgericht nt tribunal do trabalho Arbeitsgericht m o Supremo Tribunal der Oberste Gerichtshof ir a tribunal vor Gericht...
3.Also calledtribune.a raised platform for the seats of magistrates, as in an ancient Roman basilica. [1520–30; < Latintribūnal, tribūnālejudgment seat =tribūn(us)tribune1+-āl(e)-al2] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 199...
Subsequently, after the re-constitution of the Tribunal,2 the challenge was revived, partly on grounds substantially the same as those already rejected in the Decision on Jurisdiction, and partly in reliance on facts which, wrongfully, had not been disclosed by the Claimant to the former Tribunal...
The Tribunal granted the application, finding that the prayer was, when considered in light of its context, reli gious in nature and that the City and its mayor, by having d'une décision finale du Tribunal des droits de la per sonne du Québec? — La décision est-elle as...
TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DA UNIÃO TC 018.908/2010-1 GRUPO I – CLASSE V – Plenário TC 018.908/2010-1 Natureza: Audiif (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var ...
This article describes the role played by the Brazilian Audit Tribunal (Tribunal de Contas da Unio 鈥 TCU) in the external auditing of environmental management in Brazil, highlighting the findings of an operational audit conducted in 2007 of the federal environmental licensing process. Initially, ...
CONTROLE DA RENNCIA DE RECEITA PELO TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DA UNIO LUZ DO PRINCPIO DA EFICCIAdoi:10.54751/revistafoco.v17n4-078TAX expendituresACADEMIC dissertationsTAX incidenceTAX cutsFISCAL policyRevenue waivers, or tax expenditures, are as old as taxation itself. O...
TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DA UNIÃO TC 004.716/2008-2 GRUPO II – CLASSE VI – 1ª Câmara TC-004.716/2008-2. Natureza: Represenif (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function request...