Steve Wright, TRIbAL TRIbuNE Tribal Tribune Service & Source DirecTory call or Fax your inFormaTion Ofice Number (509) 634-2222 • Fax Number (509) 634-4617 aNNoUNCEMENTS ECoTrUST aCCEPTING NoMINaTIoNS for 2003 BUffETT awarD for INDIGENoUS lEaDErSHIP PORTLAND, OR, April 1, 2003. Ecotrust will...
American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) consists of 569 federally recognized tribes, approximately 310 reservations, 34 urban Indian communities, and more than 300 languages. Although AIANs are diverse in composition and cultural beliefs, they have a sh
Decision making incorporated discussions about Indigenous leadership, inter-tribal and cross-community decision making mechanisms, as well as advisory and steering committees. Additionally, nation building, sovereignty and self-determination were mentioned with regards to how data were used for governance [...