Steiger RR, Leung RK (1991) Consolidated undrained triaxial test procedure for shales. Rock mechanics as a Multidisplinary Science, Proc. 32nd U.S. Syrup., JC Roegiers Ed: 637–646 Swan G, Cook J, Bruce S, Meehan R (1989) Strain rate effects in Kimmeridge bay shale. Int J Rock Mech...
Triaxial test set-upUnbalance attenuationTwisted pairsBalanced pairsMeasuring of the transfer impedance Z_T of cables, connectors and assemblies with the triaxial test procedure was introduced by Schelkunoff 1934; the triaxial procedure is still prevailing and in use worldwide. Latest developments of ...
This product should be installed and operated only by qualified personnel. Its misuse is potentially dangerous. The Company makes no warranty as to the information furnished in this manual and assumes no liability for damages resulting from the installation or use of this product. The information ...
One possible procedure to determine the REV size for the contact fabric and the void ratio from individual loading states of a triaxial test is described in [25]. In that procedure, cubic elements with increasing size are extracted from 4 different positions along the vertical center line of th...
This product should be installed and operated only by qualified personnel. Its misuse is potentially dangerous. The Company makes no warranty as to the information furnished in this manual and assumes no liability for damages resulting from the installation or use of this product. The information ...
IN-SITU TRIAXIAL TEST METHOD FOR ROCK MASSES – APPARATUS DESCRIPTION AND TESTING PROCEDURETo measure the shear strength and deformability of a sedimentary soft rock, a small down-hole in-situ triaxial testing method is developed. The apparatus consists of a triaxial cell and an axial loading ...
True triaxial testing procedure can vary according to circum- stances, but typically consists of raising all three principal stresses at a constant rate until σ 3 attains its preset magnitude. Thereafter, the other two principal stresses are increased until σ 2 reaches its preset magnitude. Then...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Seed and Idriss, 1971 HB Seed, IM Idriss Simplified procedure for evaluating soil liquefaction potential Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, 97 (1971), pp. 1249-1273 CrossrefGoogle Scholar Seed and Lee, 1966 HB Seed, KL Lee Liquefa...
5.1 CABLE CONNECTOR PROCEDURE Care and attention to installation is essential, as the reliability and accuracy of your system is no better than that of the output cable. STEP 1: Ascertain that you have ordered the correct cable type. As with sensors, no cable can satisfy all applications. ...
By using the true triaxial rockburst test system, an acoustic emission (AE) system, a high-speed camera system, and a digital image motion analysis software, the time-delayed rockburst development process was monitored and studied. Four stages were found in the failure of granite time-delayed ...