The meaning of TRIANGULAR TRADE is multilateral trade in which country A's purchases from country B are paid for by earnings from country A's sales to country C.
The meaning of TRIANGULAR NUMBERS is the successive sums n(n + 1)/2 where n = 1, 2, 3, … of the first n natural numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, … representable by dots arranged in triangles.
In the above example, the trade would actually be executed by the algorithmic trading platform that the trader was using, rather than by the individual trader, to take advantage of these price discrepancies before they are corrected. Automated trading platforms have streamlined how trades are execute...
Examine the slave trade in Africa and understand the definition of triangular trade map. Explore the Atlantic slave trade through its origin and...
They argued that the effect of the turbulence of the flow stream will be much more marked with the short channels. They obtained experimental pressure drop and heat transfer results for equilateral triangular ducts of L/Dh of 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 for varying degree of upstream turbulence...
What form of countertrade appears to offer the most purchase flexibility? Why? What is the most predictable (market always moves a certain way) regularly occurring event that can be used to trade the financial markets? What is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, what are its three ...
Nu and f for short triangular ducts were correlated to Nu and f for a long triangular duct of L/Dh = 100 as a function of the ratio of upstream turbulence intensity of the corresponding ducts. The Nusselt number and friction factor for the duct of L/Dh = 100 were derived from Eqs. ...
If you (not you, Charles... anyone) actually know your trade, it really doesn't take long at all and will frequently, dare I say "usually", take less time than writing a CLR. Sorry Jeff, but you are completely disconnected from reality on this topic. And since I have tried umpteen...
Triangular trade, three-legged economic model and trade route that was predicated on the transatlantic trade of enslaved people. It flourished from roughly the early 16th century to the mid-19th century during the era of Western colonialism. The three ma
Due to the short coherent integration time and other issues, the echo signal is seriously contaminated by noise, which reduces the target recognition accuracy of frequency modulation continuous wave (FMCW) laser radar (LADAR) in three-dimensional imaging. To solve it, this paper proposes a denoisin...