To calculate a term within the sequence of triangular numbers, we substitute the position of the term into the nthnthnth term (this would be the value of nnn) and calculate the resulting value. For example, To find the 5th5th5th triangular number, n=5,n=5,n=5, so T5=12×5×(5+...
The triangular numbers are a sequence of numbers created by arranging dots into equilateral triangles of increasing size. You can see from the diagram below that the first triangular number, 1, is formed from just one dot. To get the second triangular number, 3, we add another row, this ti...
To 20.0 mL of distilled water, the following solutions were added in sequence under vigorous stirring: 0.100 mL of a solution of AgNO3 0.018 M, 0.100 mL of a solution of TSC 0.017 M, and 0.600 mL of a solution of NaBH4 0.010 M. After the last addition, stirring was immediately stopped...