In this paper, we experimentally construct the band structures near Dirac points, the vertices of the first hexagonal Brillouin zone with exciton-polariton condensates trapped in a triangular lattice. Due to the finite spectral linewidth, the direct map of band structures at Dirac points is elusive...
The simplest translationally-invariant mean-field state on the triangular lattice breaks time-reversal symmetry and is stable to fluctuations. It generically possesses gapless excitations along 3 Fermi lines in the Brillouin zone. These intersect at a single point where the excitations scale with a ...
(PAW) method32,33. For the exchange-correlation potential, the HSE06 functional was used34, by expanding the Kohn–Sham wave functions into plane-waves up to an energy cut-off of 500 eV. We sampled the Brillouin zone on an 12 × 12 × 1 regular mesh, and when considered, ...
(andrej.zorko@ Magnetic inhomogeneity on a triangular lattice: the magnetic-exchange versus the elastic energy and the role of disorder A. Zorko1, J. Kokalj1, M. Komelj1, O. Adamopoulos2, H. Luetkens3, D. Arˇcon1,4 & A. Lappas2 1Jozˇef Stefan Institute, Jamova c. ...
We also find that, in the charge excitation spectra, there appear the low-energy collective modes in the entire Brillouin zone, together with the low-energy Drude-like peak separated from the high-energy broad features in the optical conductivity spectra, indicating the presence of the anomalous ...
We investigate the bound states in the continuum (BICs) in dielectric metasurfaces consisting of a two-part divided triangular hole in the unit cell of a square lattice, with emphasis on the generation, splitting, and merging of BICs. At the smallest height ratio between the upper triangular ...
electronic properties of the hubbard model on a frustrated triangular lattice 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 404.42K 文档页数: 5页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--大学论文 文档标签: electronicpropertiesofthehubbardmodelonafrustratedtriangular ...
待分类 文档标签: RamanscatteringinaHeisenbergboldmathS12antiferromagneton 系统标签: ramanscatteringantiferromagnetheisenbergboldmathtriangular arXiv:0803.0130v1[cond-mat.str-el]2Mar2008RamanscatteringinaHeisenbergS=1/2antiferromagnetonthetriangularlatticeNataliaPerkins1,2andWolframBrenig21DepartmentofPhysics,University...
This paper describes a group theoretical classification of mean field solutions of e g Hubbard model on a two-dimensional triangular lattice. Only the point K in the first Brillouin zone is considered as an ordering vector. In total 13 broken symmetry states are obtained, and among them eight ...
orange hexagon represents the projection of the first Brillouin zone. The maximum ofωkis 3tand the minimum is −6t, providing a bandwidth of 9t.b, Calculated dynamic spin structure factor along high-symmetry directions. A reciprocal lattice unit (r.l.u.) is used here, which is obtained...