Our experience with Doctors have been amazing.They are saints, and they have blessed our family in so many ways. Yet doctors are not God. They are humans, they make mistakes, they don’t know everything, and they must be questioned. Reese has some amazing specialists that care for her a...
These include breast cancer, prostate cancer, urinary bladder cancer and melanoma of the skin. "Unfortunately," he adds, "some kinds of cancer are very resistant to all of the treatments that have been studied so far." While the "hidden cure" conspiracy is absolutely false, it's worth ...
“There are many nuances for conducting respiratory trials, from solving the challenges of subjective and imprecise measurements for some assessments to the heterogeneity and symptom variability of these conditions,” said Luke Twelves, MD, Medical Director at Lindus Health...
(Admit it… you sang those lyrics while you read them, didn’t you) Today is the first real day of my holiday vacation and I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay. And I’m not ashamed to say it loud and proud. Anyone having fun with their runs and participating in the #RunChatHu...