Thomas A. MauetMauet, T. A. (2013). Trial techniques and trials. New York: Wolters Kluwer.Mauet, T. A. (2013). Trial Techniques and Trials. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 9 ed.Mauet, T. (2013). Trial Techniques and Trials, 9th ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer....
This chapter focuses on randomized controlled clinical trials in order to examine the highest level of evidence for the use of meditation and relaxation as adjuncts to psychotherapy for common DSM conditions. It identifies a set of techniques that are either empirically supported or probably effect...
protect the safety and well-being of its participants. The development of aclinical trialinvolving blood and marrow transplant (BMT) requires special considerations, including therare diseasepopulations involved and transplant-specific outcomes of interest that necessitate appropriate analysis techniques to ...
Reports that involved analysis techniques for missing data were also excluded. Database searches were updated on February 26, 2021; gray literature searches were updated to March 10, 2021 (Supplement 1). The search yielded 41 673 citations, of which 3735 were duplicates, and panelists ...
Additionally, advances in computational techniques and the ability to integrate them into clinical workflows will bring new opportunities for innovation that benefits patients. However, they may be accompanied by new challenges around study design and reporting. In order to ensure transparency, minimize ...
Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are widely recognized for providing important scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of new therapies, materials, and techniques in the dental field. Likewise, researchers need to design clinical trials to demonstrate differences between newer therapies or materia...
Here are five techniques to increase free trial conversion rates: Make it easy to use the product during the free trial. Make your core features low-friction to build a habit around. Figure out the right time frame your users need to form that habit. Personalize outreach during the free tri...
demonstrated there was no difference between 20–22Fr and 28Fr CT to drain traumatic HTX/HPTX in the emergency setting; however, this was a comparison of cut-down techniques, so their results are not applicable to the PC technique [14]. Third, the IPE utilized an ordinal scale that has ...
Those changes change could have occurred at a molecular or cellular level or could have been due to some other features that were undetected with the neuroimaging techniques used herein. The continuous advances in the neuroimaging field will open new avenues for the study of the effects of ...
The identifier of the trial is NCT00328523. Intervention Evaluation of patient stage of change In all patients, Prochaska stage of change and physical activity were estimated before the start of intervention and at the end of intervention, using a self-administered questionnaire. ...