The trial scene in the Merchant of Venice was translated in French and German and the interpretations analyzed.Gay, PennyUniversity of Sydney, Department of Performance StudiesAbout Performance
Antonio, a merchant in Venice, was liked by everyone because he was always ready to help others. He had many ships which traded with other countries. Now his ships were all at sea. Bassanio, Antonio’s best friend, was in love with Portia, a rich...
The Theme of the Three Caskets in The Merchant of Venice : (2) Election and Exclusion Bassanio's glory is all the more conspicuous in view of the failure of the two other choosers. To say nothing of the Prince of Aragon, the misery of the Prince of Morocco deserves detailed treatment. ...
Alscher, P. J. (1993). `I would be friends with you. . .': Staging directions for a balanced resolution to `The Merchant of Venice' trial scene. Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature. [Symposium Issue on "The Merchant of Venice"] 5,(1), 1-33....
Miscegenation cannot eradicate a Jewish past, which she concludes is embedded in her blood, but it can gain her access to a Christian future. That future is contingent on Lorenzo's promise. Jessica's poignant use of the word "if" in this scene...Dana E. KatzThe American Historical Review...