Examples are automatically compiled from online sources to show current usage.Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors.Send us feedback. Therefore, adding probiotics to the diet might include sometrial and error.— ...
I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error. 我的大部分园艺知识都是通过反复摸索得来的。 Examples from the Corpus by/through trial and error•It pointed out that: Everything seems to be doneby trial and error.•He learned everything justby trial and error.•...
Examples from the Corpus by/through trial and error•Itpointedout that: Everything seems to be doneby trial and error.•Helearnedeverything justby trial and error.•They learned tofarmthelandthrough trial and error.•Some had to learnby trial and error.•These are things we learnby ...
Two simulation examples demonstrate that the proposed initialization approaches can be considered as competitive alternatives of various existing initialization methods when initial condition is unknown.doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2020.109184Shunyi Zhao a b...
A pac-learning algorithm is -space bounded, if it stores at mostexamples from the sample at any time. We characterize the -space learnable concept classes. For this purpose we introduce the compression parameter of a concept classand design our Trial and Error Learning Algorithm. We show :is...
2025 For example, the development of a new electrical appliance involves establishing realistic timelines that incorporate multiple testing cycles, such as prototype testing and user trials. Wayne Yu, Forbes, 23 Dec. 2024 See all Example Sentences for trial Recent Examples of Synonyms for trial ...
PREP.under ~A new stocktaking system is currently under trial at the supermarket. PHRASESon a trial basisThe new system will be introduced on a trial basis.| trial and errorWe discovered the ideal mix of paint by trial and error.| a trial of strengthThe dispute was regarded as a trial ...
Create a brief report focusing on the results of their experiments and real-world examples of when accuracy and precision are critical Create a presentation explaining the results of their experiments and what they’ve learned Note: This will make for a longer lesson. Career Links Students who en...
├─ ft_datasets/: cached data files for fine-tuning and testing ├─ api2neighbors.json: nearest neighbors for each API (based on API description similarity) ├─ flan_v2_2k.json: 2k random examples from flan_v2 ├─ tool_data_train_STE_*.json: distilled tool-specific training data ├...
Examples of trigger questions What influences the design of the foot orthoses provided? What factors influence how you assess patients? How do you evaluate whether the foot orthoses are successful in meeting the clinical and patient focussed outcomes? How do you think the technological advancements ...