module tristates_1 (OE, I, O); input OE, I; output O; reg O; always @(OE or I) begin if (OE) O = I; else O = 1'bZ; end endmodule // Tristate Description Using Concurrent Assignment // File: tristates_2.v // module tristates_2 (OE, I, O); input T, I; output ...
In tri-state input circuit 100, an input signal arriving at signgle input terminal 101 is supplied to two decision circuits of systems X and Y composed of CMOS; and in either circuit, e.g., system X, the input signal is discriminated on the basis of higher voltage VTH between two ...
PURPOSE:To reduce power consumption, obtain tolerance to variation in source voltage, and widen an in-use source voltage range by deciding on an input state sequentially by a timing signal, and holding the result in a storage circuit and outputting it as a 2-bit binary signal. CONSTITUTION:A...
网络三态接脚;三态脚 网络释义
Allows you to tri-state active serial configuration pins in the Active Serial mode. This option tri-states the DCLK, nCSO, Data[0], and Data[1]/ASDO pins.Parent topic: Configuration Page (Device and Pin Options Dialog Box) Contact Intel | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Privacy | Send ...
But I can't find the option enable input tri-state on active configuration pins in user mode in Quartus II (9.1 sp2). Checking the Altera site, there is mentioned to add set_global_assignment -name tri_state_spi_pins on to the .qsf-file for Quartus II V10,...
/* INPUT here means input driver is enabled vs. OUTPUT where it is disabled */ \ .io = PMUX_PIN_##_io, \ .lock = PMUX_PIN_LOCK_DEFAULT, \ .od = PMUX_PIN_OD_DEFAULT, \ 2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions 2 board/toradex/colibri_t30/pinmux-config-colibri_t30.h Original...
网络三态缓冲器 网络释义 1. 三态缓冲器 pad - 搜搜百科 ... Input PAD: 输入缓冲器(单元)Tri-State PAD:三态缓冲器(三态就是高电平,低电平,和高阻态。) ...|基于6个网页
The:checkedpseudo selector works on tristate inputs. The indeterminate is treated as unchecked, so will return afalseresult when using the:checkedpseudo selector. state is Documentation .tristate(options) Turn a normalcheckboxinput into a tristate input. ...