Tri-Chem Industries, Inc is a specialty chemical supply and service company for Industrial Water Treatment, Process Treatment, Government and Municipalities. We consult with customers on process and c.. Provide Silicone Antifoam/Defoamer Citric Acid SHM
Tri-Chem Industries, Inc Country:United States Business Type:Trading Company Mr.Leslie Hollis Tel: +1-(972)-745-6875 Mobile: Tel:+1-(972)-745-6875 Fax:+1-(972)-745-6870 Province/state: City: Street:PO Box 2056, Coppell, Texas 75019, USA ...
Le Bacillus subtilis est déjà indispensable dans de nombreuses industries, et de nombreuses autres innovations sont attendues. Pourquoi l'huile de lin stockée a-t-elle un goût amer ? Ce que vous pouvez faire Les antibiotiques font des ravages sur les per...
(1) Used to make desiccant in various industries(2) .Used as a snow thawing agent for snow thawing work on roads, parking lots, and airports etc.(3) Used to prevent dust, grime and mine dust.(4) Used in oil well drilling, used as well drilling fluid, comp...