太网音视频桥接技术(Ethernet Audio/VideoBridging,又称“EthernetAVB”,以下简称AVB)是一项新的IEEE802标准,其在传统以太网络的基础上,通过保障带宽(Bandwidth),限制延迟(Latency)和精确时钟同步(Time synchronization),以支持各种基于音频、视频的网络多媒体应用。 在AVB中,使用其独特的PTP协议: PTP(Precision Time Pr...
Whenever I get a new Xilinx development board I go through the tedious process of porting my circuits that use Ethernet communication to the new board. To save other people the pain I went through to get this to work I have written this blog which outlines ...
Whenever I get a new Xilinx development board I go through the tedious process of porting my circuits that use Ethernet communication to the new board. To save other people the pain I went through to get this to work I have written this blog which outline...