Tri-M Honor Society Celebrates 65 Years of ServiceFocuses on the celebration of Tri-M Music Honor Society anniversary in the U.S. History of Tri-M program; Goal and mission of Tri-M; Schedul...
Tri-M Music Honor Society, formerly known as Modern Music Masters, is a high school and middle school music honor society and is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements and to provide ...
Chiquita began as a banana brand of United Fruit Co., founded in 1899. The Miss Chiquita logo first appeared as an anthropomorphic banana in 1944 and as a woman in 1987. The company changed the iconic stickers on its produce in March to encourage customers to stay home due to the coronavi...
Ray Accepted to Tri-M Music Honor SocietyU.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union