tri level adj. 1. 三层的 tri n. triode的简写 TRI =TeaResearchInstitute茶叶研究所[斯里兰卡] tri 表示“三”之义 tri isopropanolamine 【化】 三异丙醇胺 tri city a. 由三个城市组成之大都会的 n. 上述三城市之任一 Tri Fenson 除螨酯 tri met 三镜头航空摄影 tri soap 三酸皂 tri...
The meaning of TRILEVEL is having three levels or floors. How to use trilevel in a sentence.
3. 三电平 AWVG1 可作为一种三电平(trilevel)同步源使用。信号发生器为 72MHz 取 样的 12 比特,可确保高达 6MHz 的带宽以 内产生极 …|基于1 个网页 更多释义 例句 释义: 全部,三层高速缓存,三层快取记忆体,三电平 更多例句筛选 1. Penalty Function Algorithm of Solving Objection Funct...
网络三级缓存;指令下结合三层快取;指令下结合三层缓存 网络释义 1. 三级缓存 MD将容量为256kB的全速L2 Cache内建在CPU上,三级缓存(TriLevel Cache)则集成在主板上,容量从512kB到2MB之间, …|基于8个网页 2. 指令下结合三层快取 ...微处理器里,外面的快取变成第三层,形成3D NOW!指令下结合...
都说“染发=换脸”,换个发色,堪比整容提升颜值,瞅瞅女明星们,也就是换个发色而已▼气势瞬间飙升3个level,好看的发色,会让你的气色看起来更好,更能显出发型的质感。又要把染发提到日程了,讲真的,去一趟理发店做染发,动辄5、600,甚至更贵! 要知道,遇到不靠谱的tony花大价钱还变丑...自己染发省下的钱买新...
Tri Puzzle的Level 3怎样通关呢?工具/原料 一加10 Pro 安卓Android 12 Tri Puzzle1.0.0 方法/步骤 1 点击选择下侧蓝色框里面的红色形状,将其拖放到上侧平行四边形图形的右下角位置,如图。 2 点击选择下侧蓝色框里面的紫色形状,将其拖放到红色形状的左上侧,如图。3 点击选择余下的绿色形状,将其拖放到...
On Level C, a sample of 22 percent of these accidents were independently examined by a multidisciplinary team. A general population survey was also conducted. The report is presented in nine major sections: Introduction; Methodology Overview; Findings Regarding Accident Causes; Accident and Control ...
Carbon emission Energy storage system Renewable energy Transmission network Tri-level expansion planning Nomenclature Indices and sets b,d,l Index of buses, loads, and transmission lines. s,t Index of scenarios and time. ΩB Sets of buses. ΩD Sets of loads. ΩES Set of energy storage system...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
Multilevel programming (also known as multilevel decision-making) attempts to address compromises between interactive decision entities that are distributed throughout a hierarchy [1]. Decision entities at the upper level and the lower level of a multilevel programming problem are respectively termed th...