Tri Junior-Senior High School is ranked 307-395th within Indiana. The total minority enrollment is 4%, and 48% of students are economically disadvantaged. Tri Junior-Senior High School is the only high school in the South Henry School Corp. Tri Junior-Senior High School...
South Central Jr-Sr High School 9808 S 600 W, Union Mills, IN 46382 (5 miles) South Central Elementary School 9808 S 600 W, Union Mills, IN 46382 (5 miles) Washington Twp Elementary School 383 E Sr 2, Valparaiso, IN 46383 (6 miles) Washington Twp Middle/High School 381 E Sr 2, ...
网站: 🌎️ Tri-C Community Day, CA的位置 州: CA 区县: Los Angeles County 城市: Los Angeles 街道: 716 E. 14th St. Second Fl. 邮政编码: 90021-2114 纬度: 34.03154 经度: -118.253562 邮寄地址: 716 E. 14th St. Second Fl...
Evansville, city, seat (1818) of Vanderburgh county, southwestern Indiana, U.S., port on the Ohio River (there bridged to Henderson, Kentucky), 171 miles (275 km) southwest of Indianapolis. It was founded by Hugh McGary, Jr., in 1812 and was named for Ro