thyrotropin: blunted TSH response to TRHseizure durationdepressionThe relationship between the thyrotropin (TSH) response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and the duration of seizures induced by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in depressed patients was investigated. In a balanced-order cross-over ...
They ranged from 8.1 to 75.1 ng/ml and were negatively correlated with the in vivo TRH disappearance rate. The latter, in turn, was positively correlated with such factors as height and body surface. Max. plasma TRH levels were not related to the magnitude of the TSH or prolactin response,...
analyzing of these data and determination of sensitivity and specificity of IRMA, it was concluded that IRMA is not sufficient to distinguish sub clinical hyperthyroidism, although there is a good linear (r=0.68; Plt;0.001) and cubic (r=0.79; Plt;0.001) relationship between b.TSH and d.TSH....
(redirected fromTRH test) Thesaurus Medical Related to TRH test:TSH stimulation test,thyrotropin-releasing hormone test TRH abbreviation for Their Royal Highnesses Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,...
There was no significant difference in the prolactin response to TRH between depressed patients and those with other psychiatric diagnoses. There was no significant relationship between the prolactin response to TRH and the severity of depression, the TSH response to TRH or the resistance to ...
Alterations of plasma TSH and PRL levels following various types of administration with TRH were studied in the luteal phase of women with normal menstrual cycles. The results were as follows: Plasma PRL response to a single i.v. injection of tRH with DHEA-S drop injection was not significantl...
The aim of the present study was to test the relationship between mild changes in mood and the TSH response to TRH stimulation in patients with bipolar affective disorder. Nineteen outpatients with bipolar affective disorder were followed prospectively for three years. Every third month, mood ...
Relationship between chronobiological thyrotropin and prolactin responses to protirelin (TRH) and suicidal behavior in depressed patientsDepressionSuicidal behavior disorderThyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) testThyrotropin (TSH)Thyroid hormonesProlactin
PRL, TSH and Their Response to the TRH Test in Patients with Endometriosis before, during, and after Treatment with Danazol Ten patients suffering from endometriosis were treated with danazol at a dose of 200 mg three times daily for 6 months. For evaluation of prolactin (PRL) a... I Mat...
TSH responseBlunted TSH response to TRH and elevation of reverse T 3 (rT 3) have been reported in depression, though the relationship between these two abnormalities has not been clear. The authors measured basal levels of T 4, T 3, rT 3 and the TSH response to TRH in a group of 28...