1:将两块RF7970A EVM开发板近距离平行放置; 1:运行TRF7970A_EVM_GUI.exe上位机软件,将第一块开发板设为Target,速率为106kbs,点击"Set Protocol"; 2:将第二块开发板设为Passive,速率为106kbs,点击"Set Protocol"; 3:第二块开发板点击“Connect”。 但此时两块开发板并没有连接起来,"Connected"...
是否有其他平台可以读取和显示寄存器值、例如手机仿真器或类似的器件? 我们的整个项目都依赖于此功能、而我发现的所有解决方案都依赖于 TRF7970AEVM GUI。 我确实在 TI NFC 工具 GUI 上找到了适用于带 MSP-EXP430G2ET 开发套件的 TRF7970A 的文档、但没有用于 TRF7970AEVM 的示例、因此...
我們想透過自己開發的GUI Tool來控制TRF7970A EVM,整個連接的方式如下: GUI Tool (自行開發) -->PC(USB Port)--->TRF7970A EVM 但是遍尋不著Windows的PC/SC Smart Card Driver. 請問. TRF7970A EVM能否被拿來當做Stand alone的NFC讀卡機? TI是否有提供相關的PC/SC Smart Card Driver ? 謝謝!
Communication with Host Software Graphical User Interface (GUI) via USB VCP The TRF7970A EVM also has the following hardware features specifically for development purposes: MSP430F2370 Ultra-Low Power microcontroller with JTAG connectivity to development environment for custom firmware development. Parallel...
TRF7970A EVM主要特性:基于 NFC模式(RFID读写器,点对点和卡仿真)的 基于ISO15693标准的应答器 基于ISO14443标准的应答器(A和B型) 基于FeliCa的应答器(仅UID只读) 独立的轮询模式,用于快速演示应答器检测 通过USB VCP与主机软件图形用户界面(GUI)进行通信 ...
1:运行TRF7970A_EVM_GUI.exe上位机软件,将第一块开发板设为Target,速率为106kbs,点击"Set Protocol"; 2:将第二块开发板设为Passive,速率为106kbs,点击"Set Protocol"; 3:第二块开发板点击“Connect”。 但此时两块开发板并没有连接起来,"Connected"指示灯没有变绿,仍然显示红色,并弹出“...
作为装运,TF7970A EVM完全作为RFID和NFC论坛读取器和写入器,NFC论坛发起人,或NFC论坛目标。为了评估TF7970A超出独立模式,只需要通过USB连接器施加电源,必须使用Trf7970A EVM GUI。 TRF7970AEVM包含可能被静电放电损坏的部件。在不使用的情况下,将EVM存储和传输到所提供的ESD袋中。总是处理在ESD控制环境中的Trf7970...
When the TRF7970A EVM is connected to a PC and the TRF7970A EVM GUI is started, the preloaded MSP430F2370 firmware detects this, stops the polling loop, and turns off any protocol LEDs that were illuminated to take direct host commands. 1.4 GUI Software Description The TRF7970A EVM can...
Thank you for the update.. I found a new GUI from the forum it seems a bit more stable, but not all the time... anyway now there is other problems detecting a compliant iso14443a tag.. The evm can't properly perform a REQA with the AS3953 transceiver, the reader from AMS do tha...
When the TRF7970A EVM is connected to a PC and the TRF7970A EVM GUI is started, the preloaded MSP430F2370 firmware detects this, stops the polling loop, and turns off any protocol LEDs that were illuminated to take direct host commands. 1.4 GUI Software Description The TRF7970A EVM can...