Trenta是星巴克(Starbucks)提供的一种容量选项,指的是特大杯尺寸,通常容量为31盎司(约950毫升)。在星巴克,你可以找到各种各样的咖啡和饮品,而Trenta尺寸适合那些想要更多量的顾客。以下是一些你可以在Trenta尺寸下选择的咖啡和饮品推荐:经典咖啡:Trenta Caffe Latte(特大杯拿铁):一款经典的意式浓...
星巴克 【照片来源:shutterstock】 今年夏天,星巴克将在韩国卖场试引进接近1升的超大容量杯型,这比之前最大容量Venti(591毫升)多出325毫升。 11日,据食品饮料业界透露,韩国星巴克为纪念开业24周年,将于本月20日至9月30日销售30盎司(约916毫升)的“Trenta”巨型杯饮品。 目前适用于Trenta巨型杯的饮料仅限冷萃咖啡、...
3. Tall, also in English, is another original size from Starbucks. It contains 12 US fluid ounces (350 mL). Nowadays, when customers ask for "small," they are usually given this size.4. Grande, derived from Italian, French, Portuguese, and Spanish languages, means "large." ...
And what do venti, trenta, and those other sizes actually mean at Starbucks? What do grande, venti, and trenta mean at Starbucks? First of all, here are the size options traditionally offered at Starbucks: tall (12 ounces), grande (16 ounces), venti (24 ounces), and trenta (31 ounces...
Grande Vanilla Latte Blacknintendo 歌手与专辑 歌手Blacknintendo 专辑Starbucks Sessions 推荐视频 前往下载QQ音乐 应用名称:QQ音乐|开发者:深圳腾讯计算机系统有限公司 版本号14.2.0|隐私政策|服务协议|产品功能|应用权限 播放队列(1首) Trenta Black Ice Tea Lemonade-Blacknintendo关闭...
Starbucks' Trenta in Real Life Michelle Woo|Posted onFebruary 7, 2011 The verdict: It'sbig. (But it still fits in a cup holder. Win.) Michelle Woo
Trenta Trumps Venti.The article offers information on the 31-ounce iced teas and iced coffees sold by Starbucks Corp. in Phoenix, Arizona and Tampa, Florida as part of the company's market test to respond to the customer demand for bigger drink....
Stock photo: Trenta was taken by simg2 . Photos related to: sun, trenta Hiking in January Jutro. Trenta Venti Starbucks Strawberry Refresher and Starbucks violet Drink with ice winter wonderland transportation system Mountains Hello Monday