What do the electron configurations for all the group 18 noble gases have in common? What are all the transition metals on the periodic table? What is the definition of nuclear charge and what is its trend on the periodic table among groups and periods? What is the electron configuration ...
Decreases were observed in the proportion reporting weekly or more sexual activity (60.4% in 2000-2002 vs 46.7% in 2016-2018; aOR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.84-0.93) and those reporting 1 sexual partner (64.3% vs 57.5%; aOR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.90-1.00). The absolute increase in sexual ...
Currently, there are approximately 5–10 million MSM in China [6], and approximately 95% of whom had at least one male sexual partner in the past six months [7]. Sexual partners among MSM can be categorized into three main types: (1) regular; (2) non-commercial casual and (3) commer...
The prevalence of myopia and high myopia was lower among older individuals (P < .05). Reversed age trends were observed for the other refractive errors (P < .05). There was no sex difference in the prevalence of refractive errors... R Varma,M Torres,R Mckean-Cowdin,... - 《American ...
On the other hand, STM directly achieves the whole topic structure but seems not as powerful as expected in portraying the life cycle of words and detecting groups of words that distinguish the speeches of a specific president. As most presidential speeches are rich and cover a wide range of...
The improvement in influenza vaccination rate was observed in both genders, all race/ethnicity groups, across most age cohorts, all household income levels, and all educational levels, though the magnitudes varied across different subgroups. These findings add to the limited existing evidence of how ...
Understanding regional heatwave trends has critical implications for the biophysical and human systems they impact. Until now a comprehensive assessment of regional observed changes was hindered by the range of metrics employed, underpinning datasets, and time periods examined. Here, using the Berkeley ...
The largest increases (more than 200%) were observed in California, Hawaii, South Dakota, and Mississippi. During 2015 to 2018, 16 621 AE reports following HPV vaccination were reported to VAERS. The AE reporting rate per 100 000 doses distributed decreased from 44.7 in 2015 to 29.4 in...
There were disparities in CVRF prevalence and trends across sociodemographic subpopulations. While treatment and control rates for hypertension and diabetes plateaued, BP control were stable, and improved glycemic control was observed.Peer Review reports Background Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have been ...
It has been observed that 5cx-MEPP may co-elute with OH-MINP (oral communication Dr Koch). OH-MINP being a metabolite of the high molecular weight phthalate DINP might be decreasing and so cause confusion where the quantified peaks may be attributed (partly) mistakenly to 5cx-MEPP instead...